Our vision is to inspire young people and their families by connecting them to the resources, skills and opportunities that empower them to be their best.

South West Connect (SWC) is a not for profit organisation and a registered charity with deductible gift recipient status (complying with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission framework).

SWC has a proven track record of empowering over 117,000 young people in South West Sydney to discover pathways to a better future for themselves and their families.



We work with young people aged 5-25 years and their families primarily from low socio-economic, CALD, refugee and migrant backgrounds facing challenges of disengagement, generational unemployment and welfare dependency.

SWC aims to ensure young people vulnerable to these challenges are supported and have a strong foundation to build their futures. We do this by addressing social and wellbeing barriers, and obstacles impeding on education and employment outcomes.

Through our collaboration and established networks across the education, business and community sectors, we have created over 67,000 workplacements and 100 sustainable cross sector initiatives and partnerships that focus on health & wellbeing, youth unemployment, employability skills, transition & pathway options that will allow young people to become economic, social and civic contributors in their community.


Work placement is a way of preparing senior school and TAFE students for employment. Students studying Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses as part of their Higher School Certificate (HSC) are given the opportunity to learn practical skills through experience and practice in the workplace. Most courses have a minimum of 70 hours of mandatory structured work placement over two years.

Work placement host employers assist schools and colleges to prepare young people for the workplace by providing meaningful workplace learning opportunities.


The Youth Collective Impact Team has a proven track record of “Connecting Youth to Business and Community” through innovative initiatives that inspire young people (aged 5 to 25 years) and their families by connecting them to the resources, skills and opportunities that create pathways to achieve their educational, social and employment potential and ultimately empowering them to be their best.


We take this opportunity to thank schools, businesses, community organisations, volunteers and participants for their contribution towards a better future for the youth in our region. If you or your organisation would like to know more about our initiatives, or if you can provide any assistance with current projects, or even a new project proposal to help our local youth, please contact us.

2022 SWC Annual Operational Report

Untitled presentation

2023 SWC Annual Newsletter: The LINK vol. 35

2023 SWC Annual Newsletter The LINK vol. 35.pdf