2024 VET Students Careers Summit | Work Placement Readiness
WHEN: Wednesday, 8th May 2024
WHERE: Novella on the Park, 1521 The Horsley Drive Abbotsbury 2176
TIME: 8:30am - 2:30pm
WHO: Year 11 VET students
VET students acquire skills & knowledge to help them get the most out of their work placements by meeting and interacting with industry experts throughout the day
Are you interested in attending the VET Summit but not sure if you can attend yet or need approval first? Complete the EOI on Google Forms first to register your interest!
This year there will be a $690 charge for organisations who attend the VET Summit. This will allow us to cover the increased costs of food, venue hire, resources and more*. Some organisations may be eligible for a 50% off code (e.g. organisations that can provide showbag resources for the students). Please contact SWC to see if you are eligible.
*Please note that SWC is not charging any of the schools or students to attend.
STEP 1: Complete the Booking Form
Book here: https://SWC2024VSCS-ORGS.eventbrite.com.au
Awaiting approval? Complete the EOI here: https://forms.gle/mwtRSNNhHBQL6qsy8
Organisations that provide relevant items for student showbags will receive a waiver code to get 50% off the $690 registration fee
STEP 2: Add Event to Calendar
Send a copy of the Certificate of Currency for Public Liability to events@swconnect.org.au
STEP 3: Individual Registrations
All attendees MUST complete their individual registration on Eventbrite
Here, you will provide your WWCC, dietary requirements and food preferences
Information required to complete the Eventbrite Booking Form
Before visiting Eventbrite to pay and secure your spot, SWC recommends having have all the details below ready prior.
Number of Staff Members Attending
Minimum 2 staff per organisation is required - rotations for lunch and networking. If you can only bring 1 person, please contact SWC as soon as possible.
Maximum of 4 staff as spots are limited and subject to availability. If your team wants to bring more than 4 people, please contact SWC as soon as possible.
Copy of Certificate of Currency for Public Liability
Resources / items your organisation can provide for the show bags
Keynote Speaker
Q&A Panel
With Industry Experts
Round Robin Rotations
Career Workshops
Career Speed Mentoring
“I think the rotation of students between each exhibitor was an excellent idea as it gave them each a great opportunity to speak with every exhibitor that attended, also how it was broken up with fun activities. Students seemed more engaged and weren't afraid to ask questions.” - Yvonne, Apprenticeship Support Australia
South West Connect recruits local businesses to act as hosts for students needing 35 hours of workplacement for their Vocational Education & Training (VET) course. Work placement is NOT work experience.
These students are already studying an industry qualification and their work placement is compulsory. The students are insured by the relevant education sector and are expected to behave as an entry level employee.
If you would like to enquire about becoming a host employer please contact us.
What is the VET Summit?
It is a one day event where students studying Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses in the Liverpool & Fairfield region will meet and interact with Industry Experts throughout the day. The goal is for experienced Industry Experts representing VET industries to give advice and feedback for students to succeed and get the most out of their VET work placements and careers. Your business/organisation will connect with 600+ students, teachers, and other organistations through various activities during the day such as: Interactive Career Workshops, VET Industry Q&A Panel and Speed Careers Mentoring.
How is the VET Summit different to a regular Careers Expo?
A traditional expo is a great way to meet students and schools. The VET Summit goes beyond the traditional approach as organisations have the opportunity to engage with each student in a more impactful way during the Speed Careers Mentoring session where Industry Experts (you) speak with small captivated groups of up to 10 students for approximately ten minutes. Organisations also have the option to host interactive workshops surrounding careers for a more impactful interaction. SWC encourages organisations to provide resources that the students will find useful throughout their careers, from work placements to part time and full time jobs post high school.
How many employees can I bring?
A minimum of 2 people is required to attend from your organisation. This is to ensure at least one team member is interacting with the students whilst your team rotates their lunch breaks. A maximum number of 4 people attending is allowed. Please contact SWC if you wish to bring more people or can only bring 1 person.
What will be my role for the day?
Your primary role on the day will be representing and promoting your organisation and it's VET Industry as an 'Industry Expert'. This involves providing resources, hosting discussions and showcasing your experience & knowledge to give valuable advice to students. The event focuses on topics that will help students succeed in the workplace, your role is to answer questions students might have about careers, the workplace and pathways during the Q&A / Speed Careers Mentoring sessions.
Do I need a Working With Children Check?
Yes, all adult adults attending the event will need to individually obtain a Working With Children Check (WWCC) as part of our Child Protection policies for the Youth Wellbeing Success Summit. To complete the Eventbrite registration, all attendees must provide SWC their WWCC number and date of birth.
How do I get a Working With Children Check?
To apply or renew your WWCC, please go to: https://wwccheck.ocg.nsw.gov.au/Apply
If I complete the Google Form EOI, am I obligated to attend?
No, there is no obligation for your organisation to attend until you complete the Industry Expert Eventbrite Booking Form (accessible in the coming weeks).
Is lunch provided? Can dietary requirements be met?
Lunch will be provided to all registered attendees. Basic dietary requirements can requested on the Industry Expert Eventbrite Booking Form such as Halal, vegetarian and gluten-free. People with allergies will need to bring their own lunch.
Is there parking available onsite?
Yes, the venue (Novella on the Park) has free parking onsite all day.
What time do I need to arrive?
Your start time will depend on which activities you partake in. The upcoming Industry Organisation Booking Form will have approximate schedule times for different activities you may choose to be involved in (a finalised timetable will be sent closer to the event date). SWC recommends arriving to the venue at least 30 minutes prior to your chosen activity to set up adequately in time. Please note students will begin arriving from 8:30AM onwards for the introduction and Keynote speaker sessions and you may also choose to arrive at this time.
Who will be attending the VET Summit?
Industry Experts: Businesses or organisations representing one or more of the following: (1) VET Industry/employers, (2) Registered Training Organisations (RTO), (3) Tertiary Education Institutions, or (4) VET focussed Not For Profits.
Students & Teachers: Current VET students in Year 11 accompanied by their VET teachers or Careers Advisors. They will be from schools in Fairfield, Liverpool and parts of Cumberland City Councils; including NSW DoE, Sydney Catholic Schools and Independent Schools.
Why does it cost my organisation to attend the VET Summit and why is it valued at $690?
The registration fee will allow us to cover the increased costs of food, venue hire, event resources and much more. Some organisations may be eligible for a 50% waiver code (e.g. organisations that can provide show bag items for the students), please contact us at events@swconnect.org.au if you think you're eligible. It is valued at $690 because your organisation will have access to networking, promotional and marketing opportunities with students and teachers from up to 20 local schools. The costs also include venue hire, catering, clean-up costs, marketing and admin costs, and much more to ensure the event runs safely and smoothly.
What resources should our organisation provide?
Students will receive an event showbag for the event. You can opt in to contribute promotional items such as pens, USB sticks, notepads, etc. or physical handouts such as flyers, brochures, and booklets. You may also provide tangible handouts such as flyers, brochures, and booklets on the following topics: work place expectations, what your organisation offers, educational/career pathways and more. Please contact SWC if you would like to drop off your resources and merch at the SWC office for our team to prepack the items into the student showbags.
Address: Bossley Park Community Centre - 28 Belfield Rd, Bossley Park, NSW 2176
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Can our organisation contact the participants?
Students: YES, you can ask for their contact details if it is for educational, training or informative purposes. E.g., Students may provide their details if they wish to get in contact with you regarding an opportunity/topic in relation to your industry. You can not under any circumstance ask for students' contact details for personal reasons.
Teachers: YES, we encourage organisations to exchange contact details with the supervising teachers during the event. Many teachers will be seeking services to bring back to their school.
I have a question that hasn't been covered.
If you still have a question that wasn’t covered in the FAQs section above, please contact us.
E: events@swconnect.org.au T: 9822 9370, select option 2
Rich Tran is the innovative director and founder of Ultrafade by Rich, a salon renowned for its expertise in barbering and hairdressing. Rich delivered the key note presentation and captivated the audience with his personal journey, detailing his start in the barbering industry at age 15 and the obstacles and stereotypes he overcame along the way.
In a captivating live demonstration, Rich performed a haircut on Sarkees, a Fairvale High School VET student and an avid admirer of his work. This encounter was transformative for Sarkees, who not only received a complimentary haircut and makeover but also gained invaluable advice and mentorship from his idol, along with a free masterclass in barbering, an opportunity unique to this event.
Self-made millionaire, Rami Ykmour, is best known as the founder of RASHAYS restaurant franchise, which has now grown to almost 40 locations along the east coast of Australia with more to come! He is also the founder of food and manufacturing facility RUOMKY and customer and safety equipment company GUEST CARE.
Rami believes in the underdog and wants to motivate people in achieving their goals.
Rami kickstarted the 2022 VET Students Careers Summit as the Keynote Speaker by sharing his inspirational career journey and what skills and attributes he looks for in an employee.
Skills NSW website on how to get an apprenticeship, training, options, support, rights and responsibilities and much more
Connecting apprentices and trainees to the right employers
The Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Services
Information on NSW Industry sectors
Information on school- based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs)
Careers NSW: Offers expert guidance on pathways to employment after school - including education and training options and ways to use your existing skills to your advantage. Make an appointment today
Celebrating the best in vocational training at a region, national and international level
Official national directory for VET
Information on government- subsidised training in NSW
SkillsOne television: Hundreds of videos about skills and training
NSW JobTrainer: Provides fee-free training courses for young people, job seekers and school leavers to gain skills in Australia© growing industries
TAFE NSW- All your vocational training needs in one place
Everything you need to know about Vocational Education and Training (VET) in NSW including the latest in VET news and stories
National Skills Commission: Through their research, surveys, modelling and forecasting, the NSC provides unique insights relating to Australia skills capability, emerging occupations, labour market trends and more